Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Not for the Faint-Hearted or Lady-Like

I am so fed up with facades. Not with other's, but with my own. Others are always going to have their facades and their own reasons for them, and I'm okay with that. Whatever sinks your boat. But I absolutely hate having to pretend to have manners, be lady-like, or conservative in front of certain people. I mean, I do have manners, don't get me wrong; I was raised by very good parents. This doesn't mean I have to have impressive manners. Manners are meant to be used to gain respect from others in a non-pushy kind of way, not to impress others by how nice of a person you are. Sometimes I don't want to be nice, but its "good manners" to be nice anyways. And I understand that it might be a good idea to have some lady-like qualities about myself, but some are just so shallow. And church people. Ugh. Don't get me wrong; I love church. I love going to worship God in my church, but people don't like a non-lady-like gal with manners not up to par. They think that because I have a pierced lip that I can't worship the same Jesus they do, or since I shaved my head I must be some kind of gothic bulldyke. Now this isn't all people in my church. A lot of them are very open-minded, but it just annoys me how some of God's children think they are more up to His standards than others. And those old ladies!!!!!!! Ughgghgghghgh!!!!!! Ok ya know what, this calls for a shout out. All you old ladies:

If I want metal in my lip, just like you have metal in your ears, then its gonna be there.
If I don't want hair on my head for the simple fact that I just want to start over with my hair, its not gonna be there.
And if I want to wear white jeans after Labor Day, I will do so, and rock them.
So I'd appreciate it if you took your eyes off me and focus on things that are going to make you smile for a change.

Whew. I feel better. I don't want you all to get the wrong idea; I'm a happy person. I love life and living. I usually don't let people bother me, but sometimes its too much. And I don't want anyone to think that I'm a gothic bulldyke. I like the lip piercing; I think its adorable. And I loved my hair!! My favorite thing was going to the salon to get it done and prettied up. I have 2 really good reasons I shaved my head, and I will share only one. I was tired of dying it all the time. I wanted hair that has never been touched by dye, so I started at the roots. Geez. Its hair. It'll grow back.

I feel like I've rambled but made no point at all. My point is: Just because something is out of the ordinary, doesn't mean its a bad thing. So you don't have to put on a facade that everything about you is normal because no one possesses that quality. If you're a girl and you wanna burp or get seconds or thirds at the buffet, go for it. You don't have to be reserved.

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Very First Blog

So it's official now. I'm a blogger. I blog. Hmmm. Isn't life suppose to make sense now? Who knows? Anyways,... So, I'm Heather, If you haven't heard. I have a lot of things to say and I love speaking my mind, but for some reason there's a wall up tonight. Very inconvenient for my first blog, huh? Ever since I've understood what blogging is, I thought it was kind of dramatic and a little childish. Who else but needy sho-offs need to post their feelings and thoughts to the public? But being recently married (which rips away your rights of privacy), and living in the same 4 bdr. house with 4 other adults and 4 minors (3 of those being 6 and under), I've come to the conclusion that a little down time on the computer, sharing thoughts and feelings, could, If anything, raise my patience level. I need something I can do that is just totally by myself without anyone else's participation or opinion on. And I love my husband, don't misunderstand, and I love sharing my thoughts and feelings with him almost as much as he loves hearing them. But, being completely honest, sometimes I just want to talk without it having anything to do with him. I want to be able to speak freely without worrying about hurting someone's feelings or being rude or not being very lady like. Which I use to never worry about those things, but now that I have more responsibilities and becoming an adult it turns out that I really do have to care about those things. I always thought I'd never care about those things, but the fact is you really can't just be completely real 24/7. You have to put on a nice facade sometimes, or pretend to have really good manners now and then. But there is some good about this- people tend to take you seriously more often because you "seem like" you have your shit together. So point is- I really need some public privacy I guess. Privacy from the people I have to put up with constantly, but still getting my thoughts and feelings out there so I don't explode. So there ya have it- that's why I decided to start blogging. Well, that, and Shaun inspired me! Thank you all for being my priest in my non-religious confessional booth.